Safeguarding & Wellbeing

As a school, we have a duty to promote the welfare of our pupils, taking action to enable all our children to have the best outcomes. This includes protecting them from maltreatment and preventing impairment of their mental and physical health or development. To fulfil this responsibility effectively we will make sure we consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.

Our Child Protection and Safeguarding policy and procedures will be reviewed at least annually to be alert for possible signs of abuse; ensuring staff are appropriately trained and, where appropriate, sharing information and working in partnership with other agencies.

Should you have any concerns around child protection or safeguarding please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mr Dickinson) who is the designated person for child protection, safeguarding, and Young Carers; or the Headteacher. For questions relating to Looked After or Previously Looked After Children contact the Designated Teacher (Mr Morris)

Should the concern relate to the conduct of the Headteacher contact the Chair of Governors.

*See Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy


Operation Encompass is aimed at supporting children affected in any way by domestic abuse. It is a joint project involving Darlington local authority, Durham police and schools across Darlington.

The safety and wellbeing of children and young people is our greatest priority. The project is aimed at providing support to children and young people affected by domestic abuse within their home or family life.

Witnessing domestic abuse is extremely distressing for a child or young person − often with them seeing and/or hearing the abuse, seeing a parent/carer’s injuries and distress afterwards, or they can be physically hurt themselves.

Following a domestic abuse incident being reported to Durham Police, specialist staff will identify which school the child attends, make contact with the school and communicate relevant and necessary information. This will ensure that at the earliest opportunity the school is made aware of any incidents and can then enable the trained member of staff within the school, known as the ‘key adult’, to provide appropriate support to the needs and wishes of the child or young person.

The ‘key adult’ in school has attended training to ensure that they have a full understanding of the impact of domestic abuse on children. You can find out more information at

Safeguarding Topics


Report Remove | Childline <>

Report online issues to protect your child | Internet Matters <>

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