Darlington Traveller Education Service
What do we do?
By providing a range of services to support schools, Darlington Traveller Education works to improve access to, and engagement and participation in, education of Traveller children, young people, parents and carers.

Contact Info
Darlington Traveller Education
07867503679 or 01325 380784
Gypsy Roma Travellers History in Darlington
Who are Gypsy Roma and Traveller children?
The term Gypsy Roma Traveller refers to a number of quite different communities who share some similar characteristics, predominantly a travelling lifestyle or history of a travelling lifestyle. Many Gypsy Roma and Travellers have ethnic minority status and are therefore protected under the Equality Act 2010.
Darlington’s Traveller History
Romany Gypsies and Travellers have been living in and visiting Darlington for over two hundred years. Travelling remains a recognised part of their heritage for some families, even if only for part of the year, alongside very specific social and cultural traditions.
Although some families still live in trailers on official traveller sites, as like the rest of the UK, the majority of the community in Darlington now reside in ‘bricks and mortar’ accommodation.
Some families continue to travel as a unit or extended family to find work. This period of travel can be for a few weeks, months or years. Families often return to Darlington to be with their extended family. They may travel many hundreds of miles or in fact travel to Europe, America and Canada or they may remain in Darlington. Often the Gypsies and Travellers are discriminated against for their ethnicity and lifestyle. Part of the services work is to challenge perceptions and educate children and young people so that the experiences that the Travellers receive are positive and fair.

Support for Families
For help with
- Finding School Places
- Admissions and attendance
- Travelling and finding a new school
- Issues at school
- Filling in forms and getting advice
- Support with school meetings
- Dual Registration
- Ascription
Resources to Support Teaching
Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month – JUNE
Key Stage 1 Resources
- KS1 – GRT History Month Ideas
- Bacon Pudding
- Lesson plan Wagon Art
- Gabi Jimenez templates
- Gabi Jimenez Elisha Ongere portraits
- KS1 & KS2 – GRT Story Generator
Key Stage 2 Resources
- KS2, KS3, KS4 & staff – The Grinding Bike – video & discussion
- Famous Travellers
- New lesson plan Gabi Jimenez
- Gabi Jimenez templates
- Fairground Art Lesson 4
- Fairground Lessons Year 4
- KS1 & KS2 – Lego fairground ideas
- Bacon Pudding
Key Stage 3 & 4 Resources
- Bacon Pudding
- Famous Travellers
- KS2, KS3, KS4 & staff – The Grinding Bike – video & discussion
- KS3, KS4 & Staff – Challenging Sterotypes – Video & discussion
Book Resources
Support for Educational Providers
By providing a range of services to support schools, The Traveller Education Service, Darlington works to improve access to, and engagement and participation in, education of Traveller children, young people, parents and carers.
- Advice and support concerning admissions, induction and school transfer
- Tracking of dual registration pupils
- Advice on educational and cultural issues relating to GRT communities
- Latest advice through networking with other agencies and providers by attending Regional GRT network, SENCo Network.
- Support for schools in developing distant learning packs for those children who travel
- Advice and support for parents and teachers during meetings. Providing a bridge between school and families
- Advice and support concerning admissions, induction and school transfer.
- Inclusion and access advice, including support with transition between and within phases.
- Tracking of GRT who are Elective Home Educated (EHE) / Children Missing from Education (CME).
- Deliver GRT history and cultural training workshops/assemblies.
- Tailored CPD training for school staff and governors concerning cultural and diversity.
- Advice and information to raise GRT attendance and attainment.
Assemblies and Workshops
The Traveller Education service offers assemblies for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
The assemblies cover the different groups which come under the umbrella term of Travellers, where and why families travel. The history of Gypsy Roma Travellers and includes aspects of anti discrimination and inclusion.
The service can deliver cultural awareness and anti discrimination workshops.
- EYFS /KS1 covers cultural awareness of Gypsy Roma Travellers through work with artefacts and a persona doll
- Lower KS2 covers cultural awareness of Gypsy Roma Travellers
- Upper KS2 covers Cultural awareness but also includes elements about discrimination and how to treat people fairly.
- Art workshop looking at Gypsy Traveller Culture through art.
- All the work shops can be tailored to your needs.
- Workshops can be booked for a morning or an afternoon.
For more information and to book an assembly or workshop please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your needs.
Darlington Traveller Education
07867503679 or 01325 380784
Cultural Awareness Training Staff CPD
For Staff CPD
The service can provide cultural awareness training and CPD for schools and Educational Establishments.
These can be tailored made for staff meetings or as part of a training day to enhance staffs understanding of this Ethnic Minority and to promote inclusion.
For children and young people
The service can deliver cultural awareness and anti discrimination workshops and assemblies to EYFS, KS1 and KS2
We can loan schools culturally appropriate books and resources.